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Family Medicine Specialists is a unique practice established in December 2014 as the first concierge practice in Baldwin County and one of the few in the region. We have restricted our practice population to only 400 patients compared to the 4,000+ in Dr. McBrearty’s previous practice. This allows him to truly know his patients and your health issues and gives him time to treat you accordingly. Your appointment could be 30 minutes or an hour based on the circumstance of the appointment and need for medical care. 

There is an annual “enrollment fee” that includes a comprehensive, annual physical exam with the appropriate tests, guaranteed no-wait appointments and 24/7 access via phone and email.

Our goal is for our patients to have a personalized enhanced health program catered to their individual needs. We do not agree with the popular hospital trend of using Hospitalists to admit and care for other physician’s patients. Dr. McBrearty admits and follows his own patients in the hospital, so they are not treated by a stranger. 

Our mission is for our practice to provide time, effort, energy and passion into our patient care. Dr. McBrearty is available 24 hours a day. Depending on the patient’s circumstances, he will also do home visits when necessary. We find this gives the patient a better outcome and the families some peace of mind.

Our vision is for our community and surrounding areas to live a healthy, long life. We believe our approach can make a difference in our patient’s quality of life. Dr. McBrearty will dedicate his skills, knowledge and time to your good health. Prevention and early detection are the keys to protecting your most valuable asset—your health. We believe that a close relationship with your doctor, easy access and communication will give you this protection.

We invite you to join our practice and see the difference for yourself. You can view the comments on social media and talk to our patients for their assessment of the worth of our concierge practice.